Celina Real Estate Market Report
How is the market in Celina, Texas? Check out this latest hand curated report about the market. I don't pull my data from sources with a bias or ulterior motives, I just give you the facts. If you have questions about your specific situation or if you are considering timing of llisting, buying or investing, please reach out to me.
Market Stats
My Opinion Of Celina Market
We are in a very rare market right now where it simply can not be deemed a "buyer's" or "seller's" market. The fact is, if a person approches their real estate goals with patience and well informed decision making, they can enjoy the benefits of what we call a "dual" market. There are still more homes for sale than there are buyers, and homes are sitting for sale for over two months on average. Ultimately, it's a GREAT time to buy, and a quite possibly a good time to sell IF you price the home competitively and ensure that the home is fully prepped for sale and ready to show. Homes that stand out as a good VALUE and that appear to be ready for move in with minimal work required are the ones that are selling first.
The influence of new construction homes on the market can not be ignored. They are selling nearly as fast as they hit the market in many cases. This would indocate that there is higher demand for new homes in Celina as of this month. Therefore, a seller would be well advised to make sure that they capitalize on the differences between what their pre-owned home and the new construction are in any way that placed the pre-owned in greater position than the new construction. Since there are typically only half as many new construction homes on the market as there are pre-owned, then the option of buying new construction goes down somewhat. This should push most buyers to look at pre-owned as the quicker, easier move. For an easy or in depth chat about the market, call Ron at 214-783-5440
You can listen to a recent podcast episode I published on The Ron Lyons Real Estate Show that addresses this crazy market and how YOU can benefit from it.