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Homes For Sale in Celina TX

Writer's picture: Ron LyonsRon Lyons

"Homes for sale in Celina TX" is a typical internet search -for a good reason. People love moving to Celina, Texas, but you must find the available real estate first. Maybe you are looking for an older home for sale, and perhaps you are looking for something newer. Either way, your adventure usually begins by searching for homes for sale in Celina, TX.

The problem is that what you find when you search for homes for sale is all of the big box names like or And as you probably know, these sites are made to generate leads for real estate agents that can't seem to get their leads. These sites make MOST of their money selling your name and information to real estate agents in Celina, Tx, and surrounding areas.

If you are a glutton for punishment, give one of the big box real estate names a try when you search for "homes for sale in Celina, TX" next time. You will see a home listed for sale, which may seem attractive. So, you click the "contact agent" button and fill in your basic information. Click and BOOM. All of a sudden, your phone begins to ring. And then again and again. What just happened was your information was just sent to half a dozen real estate agents that PAY for your input. Each Realtor or real estate agent knows that the first person to make contact usually gets the deal.

After a few minutes, you will be REALLY unhappy. But that's the real estate game, and that's how it's played, at least with the lead-generating real estate companies. And the first page of is genuinely filled with useless lead-generating companies. (The ideal situation is to have a Realtor that has been in the area you are considering, such as Celina, Texas, for a long time and who knows about OFF MARKET listings that most agents can't know about. That's the super special magic in a home search!)

Another thing commonly happens when you search for homes for sale in Celina, TX. When you see the same real estate lead-generating sites pop up, you'll likely find something interesting (after surviving the onslaught of 10 million Realtor calls.) Once you find an honest agent or Realtor (like me), you provide the listing address. You say, "Hey, I just searched for homes for sale in Celina, TX, and found this listing on..." After a quick look, I find that the home has been sold for several months and isn't an option.

How does that happen? Most big box lead generation sites don't continually update as they should. So you search for homes for sale in Celina, TX, and find nothing. But hey, you did meet a few aggressive (not in a good way) real estate agents and Realtors in the process. After you get frustrated with the bombardment of incoming Realtor calls, you will usually "settle" for someone that comes recommended by a friend or perhaps is a relative of yours. This is probably not the best deal.

So how do you find an outstanding (excellent) real estate agent or Realtor to help you with Celina Texas homes for sale? First, instead of searching for "homes for sale in Celina, Tx," I would recommend changing your search query to find the actual Celina, TX-focused Realtors that truly know about them. For example, search for "best Realtor Celina TX." Of course, you will still get a few big box lead generators from Dave Ramsey and, but soon after, you will start seeing the desired results. In fact, there's one guy who really comes up on top when you search for the best Celina Realtor. And, he's awesome!

As I have said many times on my Ron Lyons Real Estate Show and other blog posts on, most agents aren't that great. Sure, they can get the primary job done, but they are rarely masters of their craft. Sadly, you, the homebuyer or seller, will never honestly know just how bad of a job your agent did for you because there is no way for you to know. Ultimately, this boils down to one thing: money lost. Either you don't get as much as you could have when listing a home for sale in Celina, TX, or you pay too much when buying a home for sale in Celina, TX.

There are so many homes for sale in Celina, TX, that you sincerely need excellent guidance when considering the options. The reality is that most Celina, TX homebuyers generally look at the neighborhood, mainly at the home and rarely at anything else. A few examples of how this can be a bad strategy is when something detrimental to property values is planned nearby. Perhaps an industrial area or maybe a concrete batching plant. Maybe it's because every day from about 2:45 PM until 3:30 PM, you can't leave or come home because there is a street where school pick-up completely blocks your street.

Maybe there are Celina, Texas, neighborhoods where the projected property value is higher or lower than the average. Is this something you would like to know about? I would. So most real estate agents will know how to get you set up to see one of the homes for sale in Celina, TX, but that may very well be where the expertise stops for many. Well, they can "usually" get a contract written, but they rarely consider how many ways they can build in "exits" for you if you do not want the home.

See how this gets more complex than just having any agent or Realtor when it comes to looking for homes for sale in Celina, TX? Consider these things and realize that I barely scratched the surface in this article. There are so many more considerations when looking for a home to purchase, but it all came down to this: hire the very best agent or Realtor you can. It matters.

Ron Lyons

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