Can You Buy or Sell In Frisco During This Crisis?
First things first: The question "Can we really buy or sell in Frisco right now with the Coronavirus and COVID-19 crisis in effect. The answer? Yes! 1000% YES we can. Many agents have fallen out of the business and many more of the "not-so-serious" part-time real estate agents are gone. But, Ron Lyons is going stronger than ever. In fact, he has actually accelerated his business during these times. To get a good idea of how Ron Lyons is completely different from every other agent out there, watch the video below or check out this page on the subject.
Frisco, Texas, Just Before The Boom
It was the summer of 1993, and I was driving north on State Highway 289, now commonly known as "Preston Road." Having passed over another two-lane "highway," known as 121, I was now officially in Frisco, Texas. Not really a thriving metropolis, I thought to myself. Nope, Frisco, Texas, was not the booming town that it is now, not even close.
Back then, I had no idea that one day so much of my future would revolve around this sleepy little town. In the years to come, I would become a Frisco police officer, a Frisco Realtor, and one day become an expert on the Frisco real estate market.
I remember seeing one of the local Frisco Police Officers on the side of the road conducting a traffic stop. It was right next to this massive water storage tank that had a giant raccoon painted on it. The Frisco police officer on the traffic stop was wearing a ball cap, blue jeans, and the police car looked much like a hand me down from some other agency.
I had traveled up good old state highway 289 from Dallas where I lived, and I assure you, with each mile I traveled, I felt like I was going back in time. There was little to see on my trip through Frisco other than a place called "La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant." That, and a commercial shop called 'Staley Steel." That's it. Well, almost.
Frisco, Texas Home Of The Original Profession?
Allow me to take the liberty of digressing into a little bit of local history of which many of the current day Frisconians have never heard. Some may say that this little bit of Frisco history is negative, a negative mark on our great city. I'm afraid I have to disagree. The fact is, there was another business on State Highway 289. The nature of this "business" is sometimes called "the oldest" or "the original" profession. That's right. Frisco, Texas, had a house of ill repute. Actually, it was a trailer, and indeed, there was more than one of them.
The place was "April's," and it was located very near the current location of the Frisco Aldi store, except situated out closer to the road itself. There was a wooden screening fence in front, and the trailer sat right behind that with a basic, gravel driveway in between. The purported business that took place there was massages, but only the sign on the front of the trailer believed that. Interestingly, years later, I would return to Frisco as a police officer myself and help shut a couple of these businesses down, but that's another story.
Who could have possibly known back in the days of trailers of ill repute that the very land they sat on would one day be prime Frisco real estate? I remember some of the residents in the local Frisco neighborhoods had great concerns that their property values would be adversely affected. The local Frisco real estate agents were very active in applying pressure to change Frisco city ordinances and make it difficult for these businesses to continue.
Frisco, Texas: Things Have Changed So Much
To say that Frisco, Texas, has changed between 1993 and 2020 would be the understatement of the year. The truth is, Frisco has evolved considerably in the last 27 years. It's hard to imagine that at one time, Frisco was a small town where everyone knew everyone and the most significant thing going in town was Brookshires.
Fast forward three years to 1996, and I found myself patrolling the growing city of Frisco, Texas. By then, the city of Frisco was on everyone's radar as the next big, up and coming thing including an expected boom in the Frisco real estate market. The projections for growth were significant, and much of the foundation for future growth was set in motion. One thing is for sure, the Frisco real estate market in 2020 is strong because of the vision of our past leaders.
Back then, Kathy Seei was the mayor, and many visionaries made up the Frisco city council. The council members crafted a comprehensive "master plan" as well as a Preston Road overlay. At the time, Preston Road was in the process of being widened to the broad six-lane road that it is today. Before that, Preston Road was a simple two-lane road, one north, and one southbound.
The big news of the day was that Albertsons (the current Aldi store) was coming in as well as a Burger King. Talk about big city things going on! Of course, the Dairy Queen down on Main Street and the Royal Cafe located at Preston and Main were still very popular. There was only one fire station (old Frisco Fire Station Number One), and the police department was in a small, nearly lost strip shopping center on McKinney where the present-day Frisco Boys and Girls Club is.
A funny, yet true story about the old Frisco police station is that the jail that we had back then was a huge metal box that had been brought in on a semi-trailer. One side of the jail was for females and the other for males. There was enough space for six people on each side, and it came complete with metal bunks and a sink and toilet combo on each side.
The jail had initially been one of the jails made for Willie Nelson's Fourth Of July events down in Carls Corner. Supposedly, during Willie's tax troubles, he decided to sell the jail, and the City of Frisco purchased it. Once the jail arrived at the police station, it was lowered through a hole cut in the roof. I have fond memories of that jail and put more than my share of people in it during my time as a Frisco police officer.
Some other interesting things that you would have seen back in those days include the land where the current Stonebriar Mall sits. Back then, rave parties were all the rage, and the property where the mall is today had, at one time, been a planned residential development. Some of the streets were there, but none of the houses had been built yet. Kids would go out there and have colossal rave parties, usually only to be busted by my fellow Frisco police officers and me.
There was not a huge budget based on Frisco real estate taxes at the time, so the completion of the Stonebriar Mall was significant for the city budget. In time, there would be an exponentially increasing number of homes for sale in Frisco, Tx. However, until that point, the mall and local retailers were a significant fuel to the growth of Frisco.
On the corner of Preston and SH 121 (now the Sam Rayburn Tollway), there was a small bank and a small car dealership. You know the dealership today as Bankston Ford. The current location of Bankston Ford of Frisco is further west on SH 121 now, and it is a huge dealership. Back in those early days, there may have been 20 new cars available, if that. If you were to look across the intersection to the southeast corner of Preston Rd and 121, you would have seen the Fannin Tree Farm (and a little place called The 121 Tub Club.)
If you went downtown in Frisco, you would possibly have seen the old church (converted into a restaurant) called the Abbey. Back in 1902, the church building was built and served for many years as a church. In 1992 the building became the famous Abbey Grille, where many Frisconians ate brunch and lunch. Today, the building still stands, but it is now a church again and serving up a healthy dose of Sunday morning religion where muffins and coffee were served for many years.
One thing that many newcomers don't know about Frisco is that we had our own airport. Well, a 'jetport;" to be specific, North Dallas Jetport. Built in 1986, the North Dallas Jetport was situated just west of Legacy and south of Main Street in Frisco. The jetport had a relatively nice 5800-foot runway with an adjacent taxiway.
Paid for with private money from a joint venture, (some say that H. Ross Perot was involved), the North Dallas Jetport never really became a fully functioning jetport. From what I remember, many of the residents of Frisco in the '90s were not too fond of the idea of having air traffic flying through Frisco. Several attempts were made to really rush the airport to active use, but nothing ended up working.
I suppose it's to my advantage as a Frisco Realtor because all of the Frisco real estate where the North Dallas Jetport was has not been developed into new construction. The Canals at Grand Park sits on what once was the North Dallas jetport. Today Frisco has become a real estate powerhouse, but who knows, if the jetport had taken off, Frisco might have become a hub of business based transportation. I'll take the real estate option and be thankful.
Mobile Home Parks In Frisco, Texas
Something that you don't see much of in the City of Frisco these days is mobile home parks. Back in the late '90s, we still had a few of them. One of those mobile home parks was at Preston Road and Rolater (pronounced raw-letter, not role-ater) called 'Keran Mobile Home Park." Another was in the vicinity of the current Aldi store. Initially, that park was cleared out so that Albertsons could build there. The third mobile home park is still in existence in Frisco and is called the Preston North Mobile Home Park, located just west of Preston on Lebanon Road.
The Preston North Mobile Home Park has a little bit of fascinating history as well. Back in the '80s, there was an Elvis impersonator named Johnny Harra. Harra was in the 1981 movie "This Is Elvis."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Harra) As it turns out, Johnny Harra lived in Preston North Mobile Home Park on Frisco, Texas, back in the '80s and had a brick wall around the perimeter of his property there. Today, you can still see the wall with the name "Harra" made out of bricks in the neighborhood where Johnny used to live.
The current Frisco real estate market doesn't include mobile home parks, but there are developments where townhomes are a common part of the planned development. Beyond townhomes, there are apartment options and even Frisco homes for rent. There was a time when there was a moratorium put on new multifamily development in Frisco because there seemed to be an overbuilding of apartments. However, after the moratorium was lifted, new, modern apartment communities started coming into the Frisco real estate market. These days, there are plentiful options for multi-family and single-family homes for rent in Frisco.
Preserving Frisco's History
One local landmark that stood during the early '90s at Lebanon and Preston was the Lebanon Baptist Church. Typical of what you would see in a Julia Roberts movie in the '90s, this beautiful white church with a steeple was a throwback to days when things were just a bit quieter and more peaceful around Frisco, Texas. The church was located in a town called "Lebanon" when it was initially built back around 1904 to 1905. The City of Frisco ultimately annexed the old town of Lebanon into its boundaries. There had been another church building, but it had caught fire, which destroyed it.
Today, the Lebanon Baptist Church is at the Frisco Heritage Center (http://www.friscoheritage.org/heritage-center/), still standing as a memorial to those days when things were a little different around Frisco, Texas. The Frisco Heritage Association has assembled a collection of buildings that harken back to an earlier type of life in Frisco. There is a log cabin, an old schoolhouse, some original, Frisco, Texas homes that are designated as historic (and moved to the location) as well as a train depot, a blacksmith's shop, and more.
As a Frisco real estate agent and someone who cares deeply about the Frisco community, I often recommend that people visit the Frisco Heritage Museum, located at the Frisco Heritage Center. There is so much history preserved there, and so much to do and learn. One of the people who was very instrumental in getting the Frisco Heritage Center off the ground back in the early 2000s was Dr. Erwin Pink.
If the name Dr. Pink rings a bell, it should. Dr. Pink was about the only doctor around Frisco until around the year 2000. Before that, Dr. Pink had practiced medicine in Frisco for 43 years, had served on the Frisco Independent School District Board, and so much more. In 2006 Dr. Pink passed away, but he left behind quite a foundation for the Frisco Heritage Association and helped preserve the history of Frisco for those who live in Frisco today. The City of Frisco honors Dr. Pink's legacy with Dr. Erwin G. And Elisabeth Pink Elementary School.
I remember sitting in a Frisco Heritage Association meeting and the road known as Cotton Gin had been changed to a technology-based name. Dr. Pink was going to have no part of that and made his feeling very known. At that time I was not a Frisco Realtor and was not directly involved in the discussion, but there was a Frisco city council member there who caught the full focus of Dr. Pink. To say that the room was a bit uncomfortable is understating it. In the end, Dr. Pink convinced the city to change the name back to Cotton Gin and there may have been a few Frisco Realtors involved in development nearby that were unhappy but a large number of us that were very happy.
Local Frisco, Texas Influencers
Other iconic names were common around Frisco back in the '90s, names such as John Christie, Sam Roach, Bob Warren, Jim Newman, and others. Today, those names have earned their way into schools, street signs, and into the history books. There's a good reason for that; these were some of the people who helped put Frisco, Texas, on the map.
Some of those early influencers (who, by the way, never could have known they were influencers) owned large tracts of land. Today, some Frisco neighborhoods and subdivisions are named after them. One Frisco neighborhood that comes to mind is Christie Ranch. Of course, there are others that are locally famous too. Jim Newman began had an early start in real estate. Jim's family owned quite a bit of undeveloped land around Frisco and more recently Jim Newman developed some of that Frisco real estate into Newman Village.
As a Realtor, I have shown my clients who are looking for new homes for sale in Frisco homes in that very development. The homes are very nice and the times sure have changed. Much of the land in the Newman Village is on what used to be called FM 2934. Today that same roadway is known as El Dorado Parkway.
At the time of this writing, Bob Warren just celebrated his 99th birthday. Perhaps you don't actually know who Bob Warren is, but you may have been to Warren Sports Complex in Frisco or probably traveled on Warren Boulevard to get to Target or somewhere else in Frisco. Bob is a former Mayor of Frisco, back before Kathy Seei and just before the official "boom" started.
As I looked at the photos from Bob Warren's 99th birthday, I remembered all the years that Bob had written similar articles to this one in the Frisco Style Magazine. Being quite the local historian and writer, Bob Warren is a natural for writing local Frisco, Texas stories.
Speaking of Frisco Style Magazine (https://friscostyle.com/), there was a time back in the mid to late 90s when the City Of Frisco was starting to take off. There was a handful of Realtors, a couple of places to eat, and a local magazine called Frisco Style for all of them to place ads. Linda Sutton was the founder and the publisher back then, and she was quite the visionary, starting a magazine that would eventually grow into the modern-day Frisco Style magazine. So much of what we have today in Frisco, Texas, was started years ago by people like Linda, and those of us who remember the origins of these things are very thankful!
Frisco, Texas Celebrities
Some of the other people that you would have seen around Frisco back in those days may have been a little more identifiable thanks to their celebrity status. For example, Randy White, Dallas Cowboy Hall Of Famer (number 84) is one example. Randy White has lived in Prosper, Texas, north of Frisco for many years; but, Randy was often seen all around Frisco back in the day.
Randy was such a Frisco local that he decided to lend his name through some agreement to the locally famous Hutchins Barbecue. For many years, Randy White's All-Star Barbecue was a great place to eat and see some of the Dallas Cowboys' history on the walls of the restaurant. But that's not the only place you would see Randy White in Frisco, Texas.
I remember walking into a local tanning salon (The Sun Shop) back in those days and seeing this giant of a man standing at the counter. When he turned around, he had an unbuttoned shirt with the sleeves cut off and muscles ripping out. It didn't take me longer than a second to recognize that this was Randy White from the Dallas Cowboys and the Chevy Truck commercials. Every time I saw Randy around Frisco, he was always friendly and willing to stop and talk like you were an old friend.
Randy has owned some prime real estate in the area for many years. He named his ranch The 4th Quarter as an homage to his incredible days as a Dallas Cowboy.
Another local celebrity back in the '90s around Frisco was Jason Kidd of the Dallas Mavericks. Jason owned a home in the Stonebriar Country Club addition in Frisco and happened to have a burglar alarm that went off by accident a few times. Every time I met Jason, he too seemed to be friendly and gracious, just like Randy White.
The one thing that stands out to me about Jason Kidd, though, is the lowrider car that he had in those days. I can't remember what the car was now, but it was beautiful and low to the ground. That much, I do remember.
More recently, Dak Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys owned a home in Frisco. Many evenings on my way home, I have stopped in the 7-11 at Cottin Gin and The North Dallas Tollway and spent a few unofficial minutes shopping with Prescott. Always a super nice guy and very down to earth, Prescott is one of the latest and greatest celebrities to have called Frisco, Texas his home.
Frisco, Texas Traditions
Tradition and pride run deep in Frisco, as it does in many of the smaller, Texas towns. In Frisco, the annual Homecoming Parade was always a big deal. On a Saturday morning, once a year, many within the community would gather together and have a parade that ran between 1st Street and 7th Street in Downtown Frisco (also known as Old Donation.) For many years, retired (and well-liked) police officer Steve Dixon was the marshal of the parade. Many of the local businesses would make small-town floats and entries for the parade, and the marching band from Frisco High School was always a vital part of the show.
Many of the farmers from the surrounding land (where you may find many new homes for sale in Frisco, Texas these days) would bring their tractors into town and pull hay wagons with many of the local cheering kids on them. One trailer may have had the football team and another might have the band, and it was always a great time.
These days, the Frisco homecoming parade is now a community pride and Veteran's Day based parade. (https://friscoparade.com/27/About)
For countless years, another local tradition in Frisco has been a summertime favorite. Mary Mathis is a huge part of this tradition, but not too many people know her by that name. No, Mary is best known only as "the snow cone lady" and has been that since June of 1983. (https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g55870-d4505791-Reviews-The_Snow_Cone_Lady-Frisco_Texas.html)
These days, the Frisco Snow Cone Lady has a permanent location on Elm Street in Frisco, fraught with awnings and plenty of space for a handful of employees. However, for many of those years, Mary had a tiny shack that was hardly big enough for one person to work within. Boasting over 50 flavors and super low prices, it's easy to see why the Snow Cone Lady is so popular in Frisco. The Frisco Snow Cone Lady is truly a tradition!
Some of that downtown area has been rezoned into commercial use now, For a while, I leased a small frame house on Pecan St., in old downtown Frisco. If I remember correctly, I paid about $700 per month on that Frisco rental. These days, that same little house is listed on the Multiple Listing Service for over $550K. If a person had the foresight to purchase some of those frame houses back when they were selling for $60K each, they would be fairly wealthy now because all of those rentals in Frisco are now prime Frisco real estate. There was a time when a homeowner may have had a difficult time finding a listing agent in Frisco to handle those homes for sale. These days the best Frisco Realtors fight over those listings.
Frisco Merry Main Street started in the same area that the homecoming parade took place. The City of Frisco used to block off Main Street between 1st and 5th Streets and hold the event there. These days, Frisco's Merry Main Street takes place in Frisco Square and is now "Christmas In The Square" (https://friscosquare.com/cits/) The good news is that this longstanding tradition for Frisco is still taking place and has record turn out every year.
One of the big attractions to Christmas In The Square in Frisco is the huge 175,000 plus light display set up in Frisco Square. Jeff Trykoski is the man and the legend behind the fantastic Christmas light display. But if you go back in time to the late '90s, the big attraction on the east side of Frisco was the massive Christmas light display that Jeff put on at his house every year. Cars lined up for blocks trying to get a glimpse of the beautiful lights that Jeff put up on his front lawn every season.
The Christmas On The Square event in Frisco is incredible, but what about during the warmer months? Well, Frisco has that covered too. The longstanding Frisco Freedom Fest (https://www.friscofreedomfest.org/) is the Independence Day celebration hosted by the city. Also, taking place in and around Frisco Square, this annual event brings thousands out to watch the fireworks that rival any in the area. But, fireworks aren't the only hot thing happening at Frisco Freedom Fest. There is also a related event called Taste Of Frisco, where numerous food vendors, food trucks, and local restaurants show up with their tasty creations ready for the event attendees to enjoy.
Frisco, Texas: The Particulars
Frisco, Texas, was initially called Emerson, but the United States Postal Service refused to accept that name because it was too close to another town located in Texas and would have caused too much confusion. Therefore, the city residents changed the name to Frisco Town. Later this name would be shortened to simply Frisco. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisco,_Texas)
The Frisco we all know and love might not have never happened had it not been for the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. Back in the late 1800s into the early 1900s, the town of Lebanon was the closest thing to a population center around modern-day Frisco. However, when the Frisco Line came through the area, the elevation of the town of Lebanon was just a bit too high for adequate water refilling for the steam engines on the railway. Therefore, a location a few miles away was selected, and "Emmerson" began to grow around the station.
Today Frisco encompasses over 60 square miles of prime real estate in both Collin and Denton Counites. The estimated population currently sits at about 200K, quite the difference from 27 years ago when the population was in the neighborhood of 6K. The popularity of Frisco has enticed people from all over the country and across the globe, to move here. Between 2000 and 2009, then again in 2017, Frisco, Texas, was the fastest-growing city in all of the United States. In nearly every other year, Frisco has maintained its incredible growth record as well. The current estimated population by 2030 is over 300K.
Some of the best Realtors I have known have been involved in helping newbies move to Frisco. In fact, there are times in the summer selling season when so many people are out searching for homes for sale in Frisco, Texas that it's very hard to imagine. Other parts of the country have done well at times, but the growth corridor through Frisco has been going strong for many years now and has no signs of slowing down.
As a real estate agent and Realtor, I have seen first hand the incredible growth of Frisco. Many of the people I have helped move here have come seeking all that Frisco has to offer in the form of a dynamic city, full of potential and life. Old-timers (those who have lived in Frisco since before 2000) welcome newcomers to a community that offers places to do life, to find work, and to spend their off time having fun and making memories.
Frisco Schools And Educations System
The Frisco ISD (https://www.friscoisd.org/) covers most of the City of Frisco; however, a small portion of the city is served by either Lewisville ISD, Prosper ISD, and Little Elm ISD. Currently, there are over 60,000 students in 10 high schools, 17 middle schools, 42 elementary schools, and three individual program schools. With the explosive growth of Frisco, the FISD is one of the fastest-growing independent school districts in the country.
When you look at the total population trends of Frisco, Texas, you see staggering numbers; however, what's interesting is that the community is comprised of lots of children. According to Frisco ISD statistics, over 63K children have enrolled in Frisco schools in 2020. Frisco currently educates 28K children in elementary schools, 15K in middle schools, and 19K in high schools. When you learn that part of the mission of the Frisco ISD is top know each child by name and to get to know each child's needs personally, you start to see the daunting task the educators have.
From a Realtor's perspective, the fact that Frisco ISD can accomplish so much is one of the shining elements that make Frisco so wonderful. You may think that with so many students enrolled in the FISD, there must not be enough teachers for the students; however, the staff to student ratio is 1:14 and class sizes are typically limited to 22 students per class through the fourth grade and 25-28 per class after that.
How about honors and achievements? Really well according to the FISD website: (https://www.friscoisd.org/about/district-overview/honors-accolades)
100 Best Communities for Young People - recognizes outstanding places for youth to live, learn and grow
Best Communities for Music Education – honors districts who keep comprehensive music education as an integral part of the core curriculum
Texas Honors Circle Award – recognizes districts and campuses that have achieved student academic growth while keeping spending relatively low
Texas Leadership Circle Program Platinum Award – spotlights local governments that go above and beyond to provide financial transparency
Dallas Morning News Best Neighborhoods for Schools – ranks neighborhoods in Frisco ISD among the best in the area for education
Dallas Business Journal Best Places to Work – honors employers in North Texas whose employees report a positive and supportive work atmosphere
College Board AP District Honor Roll – recognizes districts for making significant gains in student performance and access to Advanced Placement courses
OverDrive Digital Library Champion – recognizes efforts to make popular and educational eBooks and audiobooks available to students
Laserfiche Run Smarter Award for Innovation in K-12 Education – honors organizations for process improvement using Laserfiche solutions
Energy Star National Building Competition: Team Challenge Winner – honors teams of buildings for reducing water use
Forbes America's Best Employers For Women 2018 - honors employers in America for their support for and representation of women in their U.S. operations
Education and schools are critical considerations for a family moving to Frisco, Texas. As a Frisco Realtor, I understand this even more so. One of the first things that people ask me when considering relocating to Frisco is, "How are the schools?" Happily, I can reply, 'Excellent."
Frisco, Texas Government & Services
City Of Frisco Government
The City of Frisco voted on and ratified it's first "home rule" charter in 1987. Currently, the city has amended the charter twice since 1987. Frisco maintains the 'city manager-council" form of government whereby there is a Mayor, six at large council members, a city manager, and city secretary.
Today, Jeff Cheney serves as Frisco's mayor with John Keating serving as Mayor Pro-Tem. Bill Woodard is Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem, Shona Huffman, Will Sowell, Tim Nelson, and Brian Livingston round out the balance of the Frisco City Council. The current City Manager is George Purefoy. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/)
City of Frisco Police Department
The City of Frisco launched the Frisco Police Department back in 1965. Over the years, the department has grown considerably. In 1996 when I became a Frisco police officer, there were 18 sworn officers and a handful of non-sworn positions. Today, more than 180 sworn police officers serve Frisco and 70 non-sworn personnel. So much has changed in Frisco over the last 25 years, including its police department. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/239/Police)
Back in 1996, the Frisco Police Department was located at 8750 McKinney Blvd in a former strip shopping center. Within that same building was the city council chambers and the Frisco Public Library, not to mention the local YMCA. Space was tight, and budgets were limited in those days, but everyone could feel the changes that were coming. Tremendous growth and a boom, unlike many had seen were just on the horizon, end every cop there knew it.
Back in the late '90s, the city was divided into four sections or districts. One officer per district was the standard shift, plus a patrol sergeant. The police cars were brand new (a far cry from the old hand me down cars from just three years before), and the equipment was adequate. The great thing that I will always remember from my days as a Frisco police officer is the energy and excitement in so many citizens as we faced the looming growth ahead of us.
City of Frisco Fire Department
The Frisco Fire Department, in my opinion, is one of the top fire departments in any city in the world. Established in 1914, the Frisco Fire Department has grown from an all-volunteer department to what it is today, a premier firefighting organization. In 2001, the Frisco Fire Department achieved an ISO Rating of Number 1. Back then, only 36 departments in the entire United States could make such a claim. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/308/Fire)
In my days as a Frisco police officer, Mack Borchardt was the fire chief, and he ran quite the tight ship; at least that's what all of us police officers heard. Personally, Mack was always very kind and helpful whenever I needed anything from the Frisco Fire Department.
Perhaps one of the greatest achievements that Mack Borchardt will be remembered for is his substantial efforts and successes at getting the Frisco FD some of the best fire equipment and apparatus anywhere. Seriously, it seemed like every month, or so Mack was rolling out some new and incredible piece of fire fighting equipment, the likes of which most of us had never dreamed.
Fast forward to today, and the Frisco Fire Department continues to achieve excellence with a brand new, young breed of firefighters. The number of stations has risen to nine in total with more planned. I understand that Mack Borchardt has moved into a position as a special assistant to the city manager, meaning he is likely helping shape the future of the Frisco Fire Department from a desk now. Good for Mack, and good for Frisco, Texas.
Frisco Fire Safety Town
So far, more than 400K visitors have graced our very own Frisco Fire Safety Town. If you haven't been to this great little fire awareness and safety center, you should probably make plans to go. Geared towards kids, the Frisco Fire Safety Town looks like a smaller version of Frisco, including streets, traffic lights, and businesses. The excellent fire personnel from the Frisco Fire Department help teach kids all about safety, how to deal with injuries, inclement weather, and such. (http://www.friscofiresafetytown.com/)
City of Frisco Parks Department
A significant part of what makes the City of Frisco stand out among other cities is its commitment to having an incredible parks system. Currently, there are over 47 miles of hike and bike trails and countless acres of park space that runs the gamut from neighborhood parks to spray parks and everything in between. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/520/Parks-Recreation)
Frisco Athletic Center & Water Park
But there is more to the Frisco Parks Department than just your common outdoor play areas. Some of the other aspects of the Frisco Parks and Recreation Department include The Frisco Athletic Center, which is a large indoor and outdoor facility featuring over 100K square feet of indoor health and fitness space and an indoor-outdoor water option that handles over 350K gallons of water. Higher quality fitness equipment, lots of fitness classes, basketball, racquetball, aquatics, and more are all features of the Frisco Athletic Center.
Part of the vision of the parks and recreation board in earlier days was to have an outdoor water park rivaling some of the non-city water parks in the Dallas area. The implementation of that vision is the creation of the Frisco Water Park located adjacent to the Frisco Athletic Center. The water park includes a lazy river, a lagoon, tons of fun things for kids to play on, such as the "squirt station" and "water fort." There are a substantial number of loungers and even a concession area. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/650/Frisco-Athletic-Center)
Frisco Discovery Center
The Frisco Discovery Center is a former giant warehouse that the City of Frisco Community Development Corporation into an art, cultural and science center. Within the Frisco Discovery Center is the nearly famous Black Box Theater, which includes professional sound and light equipment, a projector and screen, occupancy space for over 140 people, dressing rooms, and concessions. Currently, you can go to the Frisco Black Box Theater and catch a performance by Theatre Frisco, Frisco Youth Theatre, NTPA Frisco, Frisco Improv Players, Chamberlain Performing Arts, and other local arts groups. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/1260/Frisco-Discovery-Center)
Frisco Art Gallery
Do you like art? I do, and the Frisco Art Gallery is the place to go to see some great exhibits that change from time to time. Local artists are featured as well as national and international artists. Different exhibit locations are within the Frisco Art Gallery, such as the Main Gallery and the Reception Gallery. While photographs and paintings are the primary forms of art featured at the Frisco Art Gallery, there are some sculptures and three-dimensional art featured at times. (https://www.friscotexas.gov/1318/Frisco-Art-Gallery)
Frisco's National Videogame Museum
Perhaps one of my favorite parts of the Frisco Discovery Center is the National Videogame Museum. I recently visited for the first time, and it was an incredible experience. Maybe it's because I grew up in the 1970s when video games were making a real place in our cultural history, or perhaps it's just because this place rocks. Either way, the National Videogame Museum in Frisco, Texas, is terrific. The good news is they even let older real estate agents in there, including us who haven't played a game since the '80s.
When you enter the National Videogame Museum in Frisco, you are greeted by so much of the history of video gaming. There are also displays where you can sit down and play many of the home videogame systems that are famous now from the original Atari systems to the more modern X-Box series and everything in between.
There is also a full-blown vintage-styled arcade in the National Videogame Museum. Games such as Asteroids and Joust are there along with a whole collection of other famous games. To play, you simply walk up and push start. No coins, no tokens, and not much waiting (unlike the arcades of the 80s.) (http://nvmusa.org/)
The Sci-Tech Discovery Center of Frisco
The place to go to expand your mind's real estate and experience science and technology in a fun way is the Sci-Tech Discovery Center in Frisco, TX. The center is part of the Frisco Parks and Recreation Division and offers opportunities to people of all ages to come in and learn something. Of course, the majority of the offerings tend to cater to children, but that doesn't mean that you can't go as an adult with a child and have a great time. (https://mindstretchingfun.org/)
Why Does Everyone Want To Move To Frisco, Texas?
Frisco has a vibrant history, growing from a small farming community to one of the fastest-growing cities in the entire country. Frisco has so much to offer, and the world is discovering that daily. I consider myself to be blessed to be a part of the booming Frisco community as a real estate agent and Realtor. By working with people moving to Frisco, I get to make new friends and share with them everything excellent about Frisco. In fact, I can't imagine my life not working as one of the highest-rated Realtors in Frisco, TX. Life would be dull and boring.
One thing that the best Frisco Realtors do is stay on top of the trends in the Frisco real estate market. I like to go further than just keep up with trends. I want to be "in" the trends, making them happen. For example, I like to meet with developers who are considering building in Frisco. If I know what is coming and what the thought processes are behind each new development, I can offer a huge advantage to my real estate clients.
Back in 2018, Money Magazine listed Frisco as one of the best places to live (https://money.com/collection/2018-best-places-to-live/5361440/frisco-texas/). Of course, many of us already knew that, especially Frisco Realtors like myself. After years of excellent leadership and decision making, Frisco has started to come into the limelight, causing the community to be something that people from around the country, and the globe, to want.
The Frisco Housing Market Statistics
Since one of my primary goals is to be the highest rated Frisco Realtor, I have to be full of boring statistics and numbers, and I am! But, if you can hang in there just a bit, I promise I'll make these numbers as easy to digest as possible. Trust me. There is excitement in the Frisco real estate statistics.
According to one source, the median listing price of a home in Frisco, Texas, in 2020 is just over 470K. Another source lists the median listing price of homes for sale in Frisco, TX. as 520K. Both of these numbers are staggering compared to the median listing price of a home in most of Dallas, Ft. Worth real estate markets, which is nearly 100K less. The median price per square foot of homes for sale in Frisco, Texas, is between $140 and $170 per square foot.
The Frisco, Texas housing market has a very low incidence of foreclosures (ranking at a 0.0 per 10K homes) versus the average number of homes in foreclosure in both the Dallas Metroplex in general and the nation. Thankfully, foreclosures are just not seen very often in Frisco. A super low foreclosure rate is one of many features that entice people to relocate to Frisco.
A quick search of the Multiple Listing Service shows that Frisco currently has 611 homes for sale and a staggering 3,453 homes sold in Frisco in the last year. You don't have to be a top-rated Frisco Realtor to understand that the Frisco housing market is booming. Imagine this for just a moment; there was a time in the not so distant past that the population of Frisco was lower than the number of people who just sold their homes last year. That's incredible.
But Frisco isn't just a collection of homes for sale. In fact, there are townhomes, apartments, and duplexes here. If you are looking at some of the older homes for sale in Frisco TX, the ones with loads of charm and character, they are here. If you have a little more modern taste, there are Frisco homes for sale in many parts of town that will suit your taste. In other words, Frisco has so many real estate options available, you'll only need a top-rated Frisco Realtor to find what you are looking for.
Corporate Relocations to Frisco, Texas
There are many corporations, most of them very well known, that are initiating corporate relocations to Frisco, Texas. PGA America (Pro Golf Association) has a planned 600-acre development in Frisco now, including two golf courses, a clubhouse, a resort, a conference center, shopping, as well as parks, pedestrian trails, and open space. (https://www.dallasnews.com/business/2019/10/18/pga-of-america-is-hurtling-toward-a-june-2022-public-opening-for-its-modern-home-of-golf-in-frisco/) The golf courses will open in summer 2022 and the hotel, convention center, and other facilities soon after that. PGA America expects top create about 1000 new jobs for the local area. As a Frisco Realtor, this is excellent news because that's many new families that will be searching for new construction in Frisco or preowned Frisco homes. (I'm expecting to be busy!)
The exciting thing about PGA America doing a corporate relocation to Frisco is the fact that they had considered over 200 top contenders around the country for the relocation project. In the end, PGA America made the right decision because Frisco is centrally located within the country, has a very diverse and talented workforce, and, of course, lots of Frisco real estate for sale.
The Dallas Cowboys also recently relocated their corporate headquarters from Irving to Frisco. In a joint effort with the City of Frisco, The Dallas Cowboys launched a large campus project called The Star, a 91-acre joint effort between the Frisco ISD, City of Frisco, and The Dallas Cowboys. I'm not sure that a collective effort like this has ever been undertaken before, but leave it to the excellent leadership in Frisco to make something like this happen. (https://www.thestarinfrisco.com/)
Part of The Star is what is called The Ford Center. The Ford Center is a 12K seat stadium where the Dallas Cowboys practice and the Frisco ISD football teams hold their games. The Dallas Cowboys corporate offices are in the Ford Center as well. While The Star certainly took a large portion of land in Frisco for development, the good news is that there is still ample land available for real estate developments in Frisco.
Keurig Dr. Pepper announced in February of 2019 that they would relocate their co-headquarters to Frisco, Texas, at The Star from Plano, Texas. I wonder, after reading that, over 1,000 employees will work at the new headquarters if they need the best Realtor in Frisco, Texas. If so, I may just be willing to work for trade. I mean, who doesn't love a great Keuring or Dr. Pepper product? I know of many great homes for sale in Frisco!
Frisco's $5 Billion Mile
Have you ever heard of the $5 Billion Mile? This is a term used quite often to describe the 1 mile of commercial real estate development along the North Dallas Tollway near The Star. City officials have decided to stop using the name because they feel that Frisco's real estate and commercial development extends well beyond a single mile. Today, the preferred term is "Frisco's North Platinum Corridor" and refers to the entire length of the North Dallas Tollway through Frisco where extensive real estate development is taking place. (https://friscoedc.com/Frisco-North-Platinum-Corridor)
Something undeniable when you drive through Frisco is that not only is the residential real estate development at an all-time high, but the commercial real estate development is too. It's a bit overwhelming to drive around and see places that used to be pastures and cattle filled land converted into high-density retail and residential development. New shopping centers, homes for sale, restaurants, you name it, it's here.
I remember sitting in on some of the early planning and zoning meetings, talking to some of the initial real estate developers in Frisco, and hearing about all of the plans for the future. Back in those days, it was hard to imagine that one day Frisco, Texas real estate would be what it is today. One time, when I was still a Frisco Police Officer, I went to an alarm call way out in west Frisco. There was a man at an old house out there who told me that he was part of the development team that was going to fill in this whole section of Frisco with homes. He pointed out to the area north of Main Street, which was all pastures at the time.
After a couple of years, I wondered if the man had ever developed the land that he had pointed towards. I drove out and found the old house again. To say I was shocked would be a significant understatement. The lad that he had referred to had become The Trails of West Frisco. I was in shock. Real estate in Frisco took off years ago, and it hasn't even started to slow down. Frisco real estate may just be hitting its prime right now.
Who Are The Homebuilders In Frisco, Texas
New home construction is at an all-time high in Frisco. The truth is, a few years ago, we had a real shortage of Frisco home builders that had any spec homes on the ground ready to go. Since there was a limited inventory of new construction homes available, pre-owned homes were at a premium. I used to be surprised at how many home buyers would line up and submit offers in a bidding war over the pre-owned homes for sale in Frisco. It was nuts.
These days, Frisco, Texas has many new home builders, including the following:
Drees Homes
Darling Homes
Grand Homes
Pulte Homes
David Weekley Homes
Village Homebuilders
MainVue Homes
Lennar Homes
Landon Homes
KB Homes
CG Jenni Homes
Toll Brothers Homes
Southgate Homes
First Texas homes
Shaddock Homes
Huntington Homes
Perry Homes
Coventry Homes
Highland Homes
Meritage Homes
Plantation Homes
Beazer Homes
M/I Homes
Taylor Morrison Homes
Ashton Woods Homes
Gehan Homes
KB Homes
Trendmaker Homes
K Hovnanian Homes
Altura Homes
CastleRock Homes
KGI Homes
Storybuilt Homes
Bloomfield Homes
Why Use A Realtor For New Construction In Frisco, Texas?
As a Realtor in Frisco, Texas, the homebuilders try very hard to gain my trust (and my clients) and therefore provide some great incentives for us. Model homes are all over the place and staffed with some great new home sales staff that will make you feel right at home. But remember, as great as the new home builders are, you are still better off with a Realtor representing you through the purchase process.
New home builders in Frisco have lots of competition. In knowing that, these homebuilders create incentive plans, rebates, and financing options that are good for anyone looking to buy a new home in Frisco. However, all of the new home builders also are going to try and get the best deal for themselves that they can. Therefore, having one of the highest-rated Realtors in Frisco on your side is critical. I happen to know one if you need one.
What many potential Frisco homebuyers don't realize is that a top Realtor will be able to negotiate a better deal and get more incentives for you. As a new homebuyer, you won't have to pay your Realtor either. The new construction home builder pays any commission earned. Perhaps an explanation is in order: the homebuilder pays a commission just as a preowned home seller would in a typical private sale. Your real estate agent still works on your behalf and represents you, but the home builder pays the commission.
Many new homebuyers think that they can negotiate a similar deal to a Realtor. The statistics show otherwise. One reason is that when a person goes to a new construction home builder in Frisco, the builder knows that this is probably a once and done deal. You will likely not be buying another home in a few weeks. However, the home builders in Frisco also know that a Realtor, (especially the best Realtors) are going to come back time and again to potentially help another client purchase a home. In other words, Realtors in Frisco represent repeat business. Therefore homebuilders want to take care of them and make sure that each client a Realtor brings in gets treated with the utmost care and consideration.
12 Steps To Buying A New Construction Home In Frisco, Texas
Reach out to a top-rated Realtor who knows Frisco, Texas (https://www.ronlyons.com/about-ron-lyons-realtor)
Let your Realtor provide a list of possible new home builders that fit your needs
Tour model homes with your Realtor
Contact a private lender to see if a non-builder mortgage is an option or as a back up to the builder's in-house lender
Once you find the perfect home, discuss an offer with your top rated Realtor
Allow your Realtor to negotiate the best deal on your new home
Follow the process with your Realtor through the homebuilder's system of selecting elevation, finishes, etc.
Consult your Realtor if any conflicts arise with your new home
Allow your Realtor to attend closing with you
Follow up with your Realtor after closing for any issues or help with post-closing matters
Enjoy your new Frisco home!
Refer your top-rated Realtor to your friends

What Should I Look For In A Realtor In Frisco, Texas?
Personally, If I were moving into any area, I would look first for a Realtor that is familiar with the area. What's better than that though is finding a real estate agent or Realtor who has been a part of the community for many years. Perhaps someone with a deep love for the community, not someone who is just trying to sell it. In my case, long before I was a Frisco Realtor, I was a police officer here. Serving the community and being a part of its growth has been very important to me for many years now. It's humorous that I used to patrol all of the areas in the Frisco real estate market, and now I sell it.
Most people start looking at sales statistics for any particular real estate agent when searching for a Realtor, listing agent or an agent to be a buyer's representative. Here's a little bit of honesty that many real estate agents aren't going to want you to hear: a technique used by some real estate agents is to show a home "listed on such and such date, sold on this date" but what they don't tell you is that they had the home well underpriced. Of course, and most Frisco real estate agents (and Realtors in general) would be able to sell a house quickly for an under market price. The key is to not fall for that technique when a real estate agent or a real estate team sends you a postcard with some local home for sale that was a fast deal. There may be more to that story, so investigate.
Another common occurrence in the Frisco real estate market is the use of a neighbor, friend, or relative who happens to be a Realtor or real estate agent to list a home for sale or to work as a buyers agent in buying a new home. While there is nothing inherently wrong with using a close contact as your real estate agent, they may not be the best Frisco real estate agent for you! In other words, at times, real estate agents may be less motivated to work hard for a family member or friend, even though the opposite should be accurate.
Something that I have noticed from doing real estate in Frisco, TX, for many years now is the fact that so many Realtors and real estate agents do not like to negotiate. That seems odd, doesn't it? A real estate agent that doesn't want to negotiate. The sad fact is that many Realtors see negotiating as a conflict, and it is. Negotiating in real estate is as important as the coffee cup is to coffee. Suffice it to say that negotiations are super critical to getting you the best price for your home for sale or for getting you the best deal when buying a new home from a builder.
With my background in law enforcement, conflict and negotiations were just a part of life. After a while, a person gets good at negotiating, and I certainly don't fear that. The fact that I am a Realtor with a strong ability to negotiate and take things on head first makes me an asset to your real estate dreams and a virtual nightmare to the other side. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I don't advocate being unprofessional or treating anyone poorly. Still, I am a huge advocate for working super hard for my client and going toe to toe with any other Realtors or real estate agents as needed.
Buying A Pre-Owned Home In Frisco, Texas
Not too long ago, there was a real shortage of homes for sale in Frisco, Texas. (Currently, there is a significant shortage of homes for sale under 200,000 in Frisco, TX) These days, inventory has caught up with demand in large part due to new home builders getting more inventory of spec homes on the ground. By having more inventory of new homes available in Frisco, the demand that was placed on pre-owned homes has softened a bit. This is good in the sense that there aren't so many "over asking price" offers being required, and many more people having their dreams of owning a home in Frisco, Texas, made real.
So does a softening market for pre-owned homes mean that you can't still sell a home for a reasonable price or find a deal on a pre-owned home? Not at all. As my Captain used to say in my law enforcement days, 'Every bucket stands on its own bottom," which means that every deal is different. If I am selling your home in Frisco, we have certain things we are going to do to get the maximum price for it. If I am representing you as a buyer's agent on a new or pre-owned home purchase, we have an equal number of tools available in our arsenal to help you get the very best deal possible.
The standard way a Realtor approaches the purchase of a new home for sale in Frisco starts with sending the client pre-owned home listings to look at. After narrowing the list to a 'shortlist' of possibilities, the Realtor or real estate agent usually goes out with the client and looks at each of the homes for sale.
If the client finds a home that seems to fit their needs from that shortlist, the Realtor then goes to work checking "comps" in the Frisco housing market. After a little research, the Realtor will provide a CMA or Comparative Market Analysis, showing what homes are for sale and what houses have recently sold in Frisco that is similar to the one considered.
After careful consideration and advice from your Realtor, you will decide on whether or not to make an offer. If you choose to offer on a home for sale, then the Realtor or real estate agent will write the contract for you and send it to you to sign. Once signed, the offer is sent to the competing Realtor to look at and submit to the home sellers.
So here is the point where most Realtors and agents shine. The art of paper-pushing, filling in blanks, and such are well known. Unfortunately, the concept of determining an excellent price for a home, then working hard to get it for you, is almost non-existent. It is far easier for most agents to tell their clients that this is the going rate for a home, and this is what we should offer rather than saying this is the going rate, but let's try to get it for this instead.
The fear is that the other Realtor may push back, and the deal may be lost or that there may be some negotiation needed, which is uncomfortable for people these days, including real estate agents. As such, so many opportunities for a great deal get lost.
My suggestion is to find a top-rated Realtor or real estate agent that is not afraid to work hard to get you the best deal possible. Of course, the standard procedures for searching, touring Frisco area homes for sale, and such still hold. The difference is that you can count on your Realtor to get you what you deserve. It makes a difference in your home buying success and your bank account.
If you want one of the best, highly recommended, top-rated, top reviewed Realtors in Frisco, Texas, I would recommend Ron Lyons. Of course, I am biased. Seriously, I am very committed to getting you the best deal ever and giving you a top-notch experience. Feel free to reach out to me and let's talk.
How To Sell A Home In Frisco, Texas
The most typical way Frisco, Texas Realtors attempt to sell homes is by taking a standard listing agreement, putting a listing in the MLS, and sticking a sign in the yard. Some real estate agents attempt to take pictures themselves with a cell phone, and others pay a professional photographer to take photos. In the end, there may be an open house here and there, but that's about it.
I prefer another, much more in-depth way of listing and selling a home in Frisco. Since becoming a Realtor years ago, I have always believed that you must make your product, in this case, your home for sale, stand out from the rest. To make your home stand out against the other houses for sale, it needs to appeal to all of the senses. Think of selling your home like an Abercrombie & Fitch store. OK, maybe not that over the top. But in a sense, they are doing what I am mentioning here: appealing to all your senses.
First of all, your home has to look as perfect as it can. If you think you can list a home for sale in Frisco and not worry too much about the competition, you are sadly mistaken. The truth is, everyone forms the first impression when looking at homes for sale in Frisco. Everyone. People who are out looking for homes to buy may "say" they can look through things, but the reality is that they shouldn't have to.
When I meet with a potential client, I take a good look at their home and make a detailed list of the things we need to do to make a great first impression on homebuyers. Of course, the outside of your home is just as important as the inside is. When people pull up for the first time, many of them will decide within seconds if they like your home or not.
Does your home look "lived in?" Maybe that's ok. Perhaps it's not. It depends on how lived in it looks. If you have dirty clothes on the floor and a sink full of dishes, you're probably not going to make a great first impression, and probably not going to sell your home fast. Flip the situation around and imagine you are the homebuyer. What would you think if you spent a fair amount of time searching Zillow and every other real estate site out there for the perfect new home? Your Realtor has sent you dozens to tour. Finally, you narrow your list of homes for sale down to just a few. With high hopes, you show up to visit the house and bam. First thing, you get a wrong impression.
After that, imagine going to the next home for sale in Frisco, Texas. This time the owners have made sure the house looks nearly perfect. The sellers mowed the grass; the inside of the home looks clean, and nothing is out of order. Guess what, now you have a great first impression. It would seem that these home sellers have a top Frisco Realtor helping them make decisions!
If there is anything more important than having a house look incredible for showings and open houses, its the photography. Long before any potential homebuyers get to your front door, they will likely have seen a photo of your real estate listing. Remember when I said that some real estate agents and even some Realtors use their cell phones or some cheap camera to take home listing photos? Taking pictures of a home for sale with a cell phone is a bad idea.
As a Frisco Realtor, I always personally pay for a professional photographer to come to your home for sale and take listing photos. The difference that professional photography makes when trying to sell your home is significant. Can a Realtor or a client save some money by not hiring a pro to take photos? Yes, of course, however, this is one area worth investing money.
Other elements of home selling are also essential, such as the real estate sign in the front yard. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. Here's the deal. Most Realtors use the smaller, cheaper signs and then try to cram too much information on them. The idea is that anyone out looking for homes to buy in Frisco needs to know the necessary information about the Realtor. And this is true. However, most homebuyers don't need to know the Realtor's Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, fax number, and so on. When a Realtor or real estate agent tries to put too much information on a real estate sign, the potential homebuyers can't possibly get the vital information about the home for sale.
The two problems are a small sign and too much information on the sign. The solution is to have the most significant sign the City of Frisco sign ordinance will allow. The next most crucial factor is having only the most essential information on the real estate sign. In my case, I use signs that are large, easily readable, and attractive enough to make a homebuyer take notice. On top of that, I put a solar light on my real estate signs that light them up at night and make your Frisco listing stand out. Does that mean that you are going to have to look at my face in your front yard for s short time? Yes, but since I am going to become your most highly recommended Realtor, it's ok! Plus, I'm going to help you realize your Frisco real estate dreams.
Once a potential homebuyer is inside your home for sale, and you've made a great first impression, the next step has to do with the other senses. What do I mean? Well, for one thing, smell. Yep, that's right, smell. As a person trying to sell a home in Frisco, Texas, you should concern yourself with how your home smells. Does it smell like last night's tacos you made for dinner? Does it smell like you run a kennel in the house? I would hope that it smells fresh and clean and ready for a new homeowner.
While I do not advocate for leaving burning candles in your house for sale, I do recommend any of the automatic air fresheners on the market. Prospective homebuyers need to walk in an be immediately entranced by the beautiful smell of your home. Remember, we are trying to entice people to buy your house.
And what about sound? Does that matter? Sound matters when you are trying to sell your home. Remember, we are trying to create a full, enjoyable experience for homebuyers. When you have music playing in the background, you soften the experience of previewing or touring your home for sale. A silent home is fine; a home with music playing softly in the background is better, however.
If you have an Amazon Alexa device, you can set it up to play the music that will help the homebuyers have a great experience in your home. To create an enjoyable experience, you may need to invest in several smaller Amazon Dot devices so that you can have music in all of the most critical areas of your home. At the very minimum, have a stereo or television to a music channel that is excellent background music and leave it on during the times that homebuyers will be coming to view your home for sale. Remember, the Frisco real estate market is a tough one because there are so many wonderful homes for sale. We must stand out. Do what it takes to sell your home.
You may be thinking, "ok, I get that you need to appeal to visual, smell, and sound senses, but what about taste and touch?" Well, we need to cover those too. First of all, I would recommend to anyone trying to sell a home in Frisco, TX, to always have snacks and beverages available to your potential homebuyers. Create an excellent snack station full of small packs of cookies and crackers, chips, and other easy to eat snacks. I would also encourage you to have bottles of water and perhaps soft drinks available for people who may want to buy your home or who visit your open house. Can you sell a home in Frisco, TX with cookies and water? It sure can help.
The last sense to concern yourself with as a home seller is that of touch. So how can you incorporate touch into your home selling efforts? You are going to have fliers made and graphics of your home for sale. My advice is to have those printed on the best paper you can afford. Make your house for sale graphics feel lovely when someone picks them up. If you've ever visited a home for sale or an open house on a listing in Frisco and discovered that the flier for the property had been printed on standard copy paper, you know what I mean.
Be a big spender and get your graphics appropriately printed. Your next homebuyer will be very grateful, and you will love going quickly to the title company and closing the deal.
Questions & Answers About Frisco, Texas
Is Frisco, Texas, safe?
Frisco has a very low crime rate; however, crime never knows boundaries. As a Realtor, I always recommend that you stay connected with the Frisco Police Department's website and stay on top of crime trends and data for Frisco.
In what county is Frisco, Texas?
Frisco is in both Denton and Collin Counties.
What's in Frisco Tx?
The better question is what's not in Frisco, Texas. There is shopping, employers, sports teams, restaurants, name it and Frisco has it.
What is Frisco, Tx zip code?
75035, 75034, 75036
What airport is close to Frisco?
Frisco is equally distant from Dallas Love Field and Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.
What college is in Frisco?
Frisco has one of the Collin County Community College Campuses at Preston Ridge.
What mall is in Frisco?
Stonebriar Mall is in Frisco. It opened in 2000 and is a central shopping point in Frisco.
What restaurants are in Frisco?
Scotty P's Hamburgers, Chilis, Fudruckers, LaHacienda Ranch, Glorias, Macaroni Grill, Tender Smokehouse, and countless other restaurants are in Frisco, Texas.
What is the population of Frisco, Texas?
Current estimates are close to 200K people in Frisco, Texas.
What stadium is in Frisco, Tx?
Toyota Stadium and a Dallas Cowboys training field at the Ford Center at The Star are the two stadiums in Frisco.
Where is Frisco, Texas?
Frisco is located north of Plano, Texas, and south of Prosper, Texas, about 25 minutes north of Downtown Dallas.
Frisco, Texas, is an excellent place to live, work, and play. One might say that everything a person or a family could need is in Frisco. Maybe 25 years ago, you would have called Frisco a small, sleepy town. Today, Frisco, Texas, is a vibrant, cutting edge city with wonderful and everlasting small-town roots. I love being among the best Realtors in Frisco, Texas and I am very proud of the town and community I have served for over 25 years. I would encourage anyone looking for the best city in the country to live in, take a look at the City of Frisco. It's by far one of the best. I can be reached at 214-783-5440 (Text or call me anytime, day or night) or email me at Ron@RonLyons.com. I will work hard to be the best Realtor in Frisco, Texas for you.